Co-Parenting After Divorce
4 hours of co-parenting training (virtual or in person)
includes how best to let your child know you are getting a divorce, which varies per developmental age of child
transition readiness for two households: school routine, dual household discipline and behavior support.
Customized materials to help with consistency & routine
30 minute online training with Reena B. Patel on how to set up an effective communication program with your ex
Everyone Is A Star!
Jumpstart Excel Parenting Package – Get ready to get ahead of the game!
Gold Star/VIP Package $3500 (One Month)
Comprehensive Learning Profile assessment for your child , this includes a customized report with specific recommendations to get your child ahead.
4 one-hour virtual or in-person consultation & parent education
If you are outside the San Diego area, there will be an additional fee for travel
Weekly email check-in to keep you on track
Supplemental book to work on at home based on your child’s results from the learning profile assessment.
Will aim to increase areas of need per learning profile assessment. This may include, but not limited to academic, critical thinking development or social development.
Learn test taking strategies to get your child ready for the next grade level challenges
2 hour virtual or in person consultation & parent education
Please note if you are outside the San Diego area there is a $100 travel fee
Weekly email check in to keep you on track
Supplemental book based on parents/teacher identified goal areas
Blue Star Package $1000 (One Week)
Customized lesson plan created by Reena B. Patel
1 hour parent education consult online/\virtual
1 hour of specific strategies that you can implement to support recommended goals for your child based on the parent consult.
Silver Star Package $1750 (Two Weeks)
Learn test taking strategies to get your child ready for the next grade level challenges
2 hour virtual or in person consultation & parent education
Please note if you are outside the San Diego area there is a $100 travel fee
Weekly email check in to keep you on track
Supplemental book based on parents/teacher identified goal areas